
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ten Ways To Reduce Holiday Stress

It's countdown time - less than two weeks until December 25. How can you enjoy yourself during this mad rush to get all the shopping, baking, cooking, wrapping, parties etc done? Start here:
  1. Remember, you’re only human; discover on-line shopping. Get it delivered.
  2. Trying to be everywhere at once is impossible. Do one thing at a time.
  3. Relax and breathe; be happy with getting less done in one day.
  4. Enlist the elves and ask for help: don’t allow yourself to be spread too thin.
  5. Rediscover the word "no" and say it meaningfully.
  6. Make space for yourself on the agenda, and not just a pedicure.
  7. Allow yourself some down time to do nothing when you need to.
  8. How can you make “less is more” work for you?
  9. Simplify, re-use, re-gift; scale down the celebration.
  10. Never compare or contrast yourself with what your best friend is doing. This is your Holiday Time.

"You do not owe anyone your time. When you realize that, others will respect your time much more." – Martha Beck. 

Inspired by a list found on the Flourishing

Happy Holidays


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