
Friday, June 22, 2012

Peace in the Heart

A discovery

Slow down, turn down the volume.
Begin to hear a sweet immortal sound,
played in the heart of every human being
on the face of the earth.

It is the most divine
of all meditations,
sweeter and more fulfilling
than any yoga.

Listen to that sweet sound.
It is the ultimate mantra
you don’t have to speak or remember.
the one mantra going on for every single being.

Listen. Within you.
It is the single-most profound poetry.
It is a song more rhythmic
than you can imagine.
Listen to you.

Listen to this beautiful, sweet sound.
Listen to that request.

Within you lies a poetry,
a song that is being sung every single day
in a language understood by every person
on the face of this earth.

It does not distinguish between rich or poor.
It does not distinguish between holy and sinner.
It does not distinguish between weak and strong.
It is the same for every single person.

Listen to that song that is in your heart.
Listen to that request that is in your heart,
like a little bee comes to the flower,
like the flower turns towards the sun, 

come with your thirst,
all you need is you. 

The above poem is from a collection of poems found in the words of Prem Rawat, that I am working on right now. It's been a pleasure to work with these words, excerpted from his live addresses, and barely shaped, just a little, by me. 

Listening to Prem in person is even better. He speaks in poems. He touches the heart. He speaks unscripted, from the heart, from his own experience.

I am very excited to let you know that he is touring North America this summer (in Europe right now, Denmark on Sunday), and that you can request an invitation to hear him, at no cost. He'll be in Canada in July : Toronto, Roy Thomson Hall, July 8, and Montreal, Palais de congres Wed July 11, 7:30 pm.

Please watch this short, inspiring video and at the bottom of the youtube screen is an address to click for the invitation request.

May your thirst lead you on!


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