
Friday, February 22, 2008

winter and flu time

everyone I know has or has had the flu. everyone's kids,except mine, with high fevers and coughs.

I suffered through it last week, for four days, and then, lo, the fever lifted and the headache disappeared that had kept my head in a vice.

when you're sick, nothing else matters.

you do whatever it takes to get over the 'bug'. rest, drink tea, hot lemon and honey, ginger tea, echinicea and golden seal, oil of oregano, gelsimium, whatever remedies like chicken soup have been passed down, garlic, cayenne and honey, you take it all,

but the flu lasts the number of days it's going to last

the hot tea helps, sleeping helps, and staying indoors

I'm finally better, and off to sing this weekend with the Sweet Adelines and a coach, at a convent in Chateauguay....

hope those who can, will jump out and go skiing in this beautiful winter weather

and remember, if you're sick, to lay low, do less, don't push yourself :)

if there is anything I have been up against this week, it's the guilt of 'busy' people who want to run right over their illness and keep on going, keep working, studying, singing, whatever.

Don't let the pushy people get to you,


1 comment:

bella said...

hope you had a wonderful time singing your heart out.
and I hear you about the flu. It sucks. All you can do is lie low and let it pass.