
Monday, April 09, 2012

Feminine Wisdom from Musemother: 15 Tools to a Happier More Connected You

What do you need today to feel whole, happy, authentic, true to yourself?

What elements of the creative feminine do you need to play with? Ie how to listen to your body and honour your emotions, feel what you feel.  Here are some things I do to tune in:

1.       Journal writing and Affirmations: I am flawed and fabulous (for self-acceptance)
2.       Develop my inner coach – write a letter from my 80 year old self to me now
3.       Fire the Inner Critic and let negativity be overridden by loving messages from Inner Coach
4.       Time alone, quiet time in nature, attunement to inner self
5.       Soothing rest, naps, music, breathing and centering, find my core again
6.       Dancing and singing, celebrating life and being a woman
7.       Dialogue with my Wise Inner Self  when I’m in a quandary, over a decision
8.       Self-love – practising compassion, loving kindness, forgiveness for mistakes
9.       Soothing the frightened child, rocking my fear
10.   Patience as a practice
11.   Whole body healthy eating: happy healthy whole
12.   Increase Intuition and body guidance, listen to the body
13.   Weaning myself from my addiction to adrenaline rush, speed demon - the art of slowing down
14.   Inner peace – finding a daily practice I can live with
15.   Make a written vow to Self: commitment to Conscious self care

1 comment:

menopausal mama said...

Very,VERY good advice to live by here! Thanks for sharing your ideas! Also wanted to thank you for your recent visit to my blog---it is always a pleasure to see that my blogger friends have stopped by! I just joined your blog site here on your GFC but it appears under the name Marcia Doyle (with no picture) just so you know it's me! Thanks again for sharing!