
Saturday, August 12, 2017

Resources for Heroines at Mid-Life

Her Journey: Books and Resources for the Heroine’s Quest at Mid-life

A Woman’s Journey to God, Joan Borysenko
Animal Speak by Ted Andrews  (animal totems and descriptions)
Archetypes, A beginner's guide to your inner-net, by Caroline Myss
Circle of Stones, Woman’s Journey to Herself, Judith Duerk
**Goddesses in Older Women, Jean Shinoda Bolen. A Jungian psychologist
Descent to the Goddess, A Way of Initiation for Women, psychologist Sylvia Brinton Perera. (Explores the myth and symbolism of Inanna in great detail.)
Inanna, a retelling of the Inanna myth by Kim Echlin, with illustrations, a Story book
Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, her Stories & Hymns from Sumer, Wolkstein & Kramer
I am a Woman Finding my Voice, Janet F. Quinn
I Will Not Die an Unlived Life --by Dawna Markova
Listening to Midlife: Turning your Crisis into a Quest, Mark Gerzon
Persephone Rising, Awakening the Heroine Within, Carol S. Pearson
SoulCollage Evolving, Seena Frost
The Heroine's Journey by Maureen Murdock, (and workbook)
Visual Journaling, Going Deeper than Words, Barbara Ganim & Susan Fox
Woman at the Edge of Two Worlds, Lynn V. Andrews (menopause as spiritual quest)
**Women’s Intuition, Paula Jeeves. “By nature, we women are highly intuitive.”
Marion Woodman, Jungian analyst on the Conscious Feminine, Books & Articles at

Wisdom is Feminine
Wisdom is a woman, a crone, a goddess, and a feminine archetype. In Greek mythology she is a barely personified Metis, swallowed by Zeus. In the Bible she is a hidden Sophia, the goddess who became an abstract and ungendered concept. Wisdom may be found at twilight where the three roads meet as Hecate, or in the hearth fire as Hestia. She may be the invisible Shekinah who enters the Jewish home for the meal that begins the Sabbath. She was once the Celtic goddess Cerridwen. She is Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of wisdom and Erda in Richard Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung.”

~ Goddesses in Older Women, Jean Shinoda Bolen.

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